
This page shows the history of Matsuzawa Hospital.


July 1879
Tokyo Metropolitan Psychiatric Asylum(Tokyo-fu Tenkyoin) was founded in Ueno Park
August 1881
Moved to Hongo Mukogaoka (now Bukyo-ku)
Moved to Koishikawa Kago-cho (now Bukyo-ku)
Renamed Tokyo Metropolitan Sugamo Hospital( Tokyo-furitsu Sugamo Hospital)
November 1919
Moved to current location (Setagaya-ku) and renamed Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital( Tokyo-furitsu Matsuzawa Hospital)
July 1943
Renamed Tokyo-toritu Matsuzawa Hospital, as Tokyo-fu was replaced with Tokyo-to
Refurbishment of the wards started
November 1978
Out of Hours Psychiatric Emergency Care started
April 1981
Physical Complications Care for Psychiatric Patients started
June 1986
Complication Care Wards were established
October 1988
Alcohol-related Mental Disorders Ward was established
November 1989
Dementia Ward was established
May 1991
Rehabilitation Ward was established. Refurbishment of Wards ended
August 1997
Designated as Tokyo Metropolitan Emergency Backup Medical Facility
December 1999
Nutrition Department Ward was established
April 2003
Social Recovery Support Unit was established
May 2012
Main Clinical Building was established