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感染性消化器疾患診療における感染対策 消化管感染症診療における感染対策臨牀消化器内科36(4)424430古本洋平,小林克誠,松本太一,河嶋みさを,堀内亮郎,淺野徹
胃と腸56巻5号 Page773大腸治療:止血術(留置スネア)小林克誠
Open Journal of Gastroenterology and HepatologyA hypoechoic tumor-like leision ing the pancreatic head and neck on endoscopic ultrasonography may be due to a high-grade pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia/carcinoma in situShun Sakai,Katsumasa Kobayashi
J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Jul;36(7):1738-1743. Cumulative evidence for reducing recurrence of colonic diverticular bleeding using endoscopic clipping versus band ligation: Systematic review and meta-analysisKatsumasa Kobayashi,Yohei Furumoto
DEN open. 2021 Sep 29;2(1):e57.Experience of disruption of capsule endoscopy after prolonged retention古本洋平,荒木昭博,松本太一,野坂崇仁,矢内真人,小林克誠
Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 13;11(1):20373.Outcomes in high and low volume hospitals in patients with acute hematochezia in a cohort studyKatsumasa Kobayashi
Am J Gastroenterol. 2021 Nov 1;116(11):2222-2234.Identifying Bleeding Etiologies by Endoscopy Affected Outcomes in 10,342 Cases With Hematochezia: CODE BLUE-J StudyKatsumasa Kobayashi
Endoscopy. 2021 Nov 24. doi: 10.1055/a-1705-0921.Effectiveness and adverse events of endoscopic clipping versus band ligation for colonic diverticular hemorrhage: a large-scale multicenter cohort studyKatsumasa Kobayashi,Yohei Furumoto
Gastrointest Endosc. 2021 Dec 31;S0016-5107(21)01937-4.Treatment strategies for reducing early and late recurrence of colonic diverticular bleeding based on stigmata of recent hemorrhage: a large multicenter studyKatsumasa Kobayashi
ACG Case Rep J. 2022 Jan 10;9(1):e00717.Cholangiocarcinoma With Rare Esophageal MetastasisMana Matsuoka,Katsumasa Kobayashi,Yukito Okura,Takahito Nozaka,Ayako Sato,Masato Yauchi,Taichi Matsumoto,Yohei Furumoto,Takao Horiuchi,Toru Asano
United European Gastroenterol J. 2022 Feb;10(1):93-103.Endoscopic direct clipping versus indirect clipping for colonic diverticular bleeding: A large multicenter cohort studyKatsumasa Kobayashi
Endoscopy. 2022 Mar;54(3):338.Reply to Drs. Giri and SundaramKatsumasa Kobayashi
Cardiac Arrest in a 33-year-old Marathon Runner with Anomalous Right Coronary Artery Originating from the Pulmonary ArteryIntern Med.61673677大橋浩一,板垣翔,向田拓人,宮崎一樹,大橋慶子,安倍大輔
Combined use of venoarterial extracorporeal
embrane oxygenation and intra-aortic balloon pump after cardiac arrest
Challenging Diagnosis of Pure Erythroid Leukemia: A Case Report and Literature Review.Hematology Reports14(1)3844佐藤慎吾,小林真之,須崎賢,南家一徳,小杉信晴
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Bilateral adrenal hemorrhage: a rare presentation of acute myeloid leukemiaInternational Journal of Hematology115455456兒島裕樹,中山博輝,小杉信晴
炎症性筋疾患の鑑別診断における重要疾患リウマチ科 Vol.65 No.4(科学評論社)島根謙一,小田彩
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日常診療の中で遭遇する寄生虫感染症へのアプローチMedicina 2021年 4月号58658662中村(内山)ふくみ
リケッチア症・重症熱性血小板減少症候群・寄生虫症Gノート Vol.8 No.38548557中村(内山)ふくみ
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クドア, サルコシスティスによる食中毒臨床検査 Vol.66 No.16698103中村(内山)ふくみ
寄生虫性呼吸器感染症臨床と微生物 49巻1号497580中村(内山)ふくみ
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Nosocomial outbreak of coronavirus disease in two general wards during the initial wave of the pandemic in 2020, Tokyo, JapanWestern Pac Surveill Response J.1315Naoya Sakamoto,Atsushi Kosaka,Takuya Washino,Sentaro Iwabuchi,Fukumi Nakamura-Uchiyama
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Epidemiological trends of imported infectious diseases in Japan: Analysis of imported 2-year infectious disease registry dataJournal of Infection and Chemotherapy27632637Naoya Sakamoto,Atsushi Kosaka,Takuya Washino
Current antimicrobial prescription at outpatient dentistry centers and clinics in tertiary-care hospitals in Tokyo, Japan: A multicenter cross-sectional studyAntimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology1E64Atsushi Kosaka,Takuya Washino
COVID-19 ICUにおけるパンデミック対策 筆頭編集者Intensivist(メディカルサイエンスインターナショナル)13(3)牧野淳
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急性胃腸炎に伴う門脈ガス血症の小児2症例日本小児救急医学会雑誌 20455458山下匠,吉橋知邦,高橋匡輝,大森多恵,三澤正弘
Degree of foot process effacement in patients with genetic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: a single-center analysis and review of the literatureScientific Reports11Tae Omori
Association between Immunoglobulin M and Steroid Resistance in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome: A Retrospective Multicenter Study in JapanKidney3602487493Tae Omori,Masaki Takahashi
A p.Glu420Gln mutation in SPAST is associated with infantile onset spastic paraplegia complicated by cerebella ataxia, epilepsy, peripheral neuropathy, and hypoplasia of the corpus callosumNeurological Sciences4321232126Atsuko Arisaka,Kenshi Sei
在胎22週3日・体重246gで出生し, 通常学級に就学した6歳男児例日本新生児成育医学会雑誌337986九島令子,近藤雅楽子,大森意索
慢性早剥羊水過少症候群(CAOS)母体から出生した早産児の短期・長期予後の検討 -CAOS17例と非CAOS163例の後方視的研究-日本周産期・新生児学会雑誌57486493野村智章,木村有希,近藤雅楽子,九島令子,大森意索
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An autopsy case of corticobasal syndrome with pure diffuse Lewy Body DiseaseNeurocase27(3)231237Keiko Ichinose,Mustufusa Watanabe,Saneyuki Mizutani,Toru Tanizawa,Hiroto Fujigasaki
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Necrotizing fasciitis of the extremities in high and low Charlson Comorbidity Index: A multi-center retrospective cohort studyJournal of Orthopaedic Scienceepub ahead of print保坂陽子,金井宏幸
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A case of calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumur with malignant transformation after two recurrencesJournal of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery.Medicine,and Pathology33巻3号310316青木一充,齊藤シオン,松崎英雄
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α1遮断薬+抗コリン薬/β3作動薬 (特集 前立腺肥大症(BPH)薬物治療のニューノーマル : "とりあえず"ではなくベストな処方を目指して) - (併用療法)臨床泌尿器科75502505鈴木基文
Mammary-type myofibroblastoma of the perineum: typical or rare location?IJU Case Reports
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External validation of simplified out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and cardiac arrest hospital prognosis scores in a Japanese population: a multicentre retrospective cohort studyEmergency medicine journal39 (2)124131SHIBAHASHI Keita,KUWAHARA Yusuke,ISHIDA Takuto,HAMABE Yuichi
Nursing Home Versus Community Resuscitation After Cardiac Arrest: Comparative Outcomes and Risk FactorsJournal of American director associationepub ahead of printSHIBAHASHI Keita,SUGIYAMA Kazuhiro,ISHIDA Takuto,HAMABE Yuichi
外傷画像診断アトラス2021 救急医学ヘルス出版柴橋慶多
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Urosepsis secondary to ureterosciatic hernia corrected with ureteral stent placement: a case report and literature reviewInternal Journal of Emergency Medicine1467垣本康平,彦根麻由,永井航,山川潤,杉山和宏,浜邉祐一
Systemic capillary leak syndrome complicated by laryngeal edema after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccinationAcute Medicine & Surgery8e700田邊真樹,彦根麻由,杉山和宏,浜邉祐一
臨床雑誌 内科(南江堂)129(3)333339原田佳奈,牧野淳
いまさら聞けない 新規分析装置・試薬導入時の検討方法 ⑦相関medical technology 2021 Vol.49 No.6 592-594汐谷陽子
Blood transportation using multi-vehicle systems; optimal blood transport temperature in terms of hemolysis. Hematology Transfusion International Journal9510藥師寺史厚,藤田浩
A novel modified thaw-siphon method for extracting cryoprecipitate: The Bokutoh-siphon method.Transfusion6110351040西村滋子,寺谷美雪,五十嵐朋子,中原美千代,大谷彩恵,藤田浩
Quality control  of red blood cell solutions for transfusion transported by drone flight to a remote island.Drones https://doi.org/10.3390/drones5030096 (registering DOI) - 13 Sep 202196藥師寺史厚,中原美千代,藤田浩
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Drone transportation of FFP maintained frozen using a vaccine refrigerated transport box.Hematology Transfusion International Journal10911藥師寺史厚,寺谷美雪,藤田浩
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卒業後の進路を意識した病院臨地実習内容と実習後の学生の感想について公益社団法人東京都栄養士会「Dietary Media」13757土屋恵
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Renally inappropriate medications in elderly patients with chronic kidney diseaseClinical Nephrology城田幹生
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Elevated Prothrombin Time and International Normalized Ratio Caused by Drug-Drug Interactions Between Warfarin and Pranlukast.American Journal of Therapeutics
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Drug-Drug Interactions Associated with Introduction of Oxycodone for Management of Cancer-Related Pain in Hospitalized Patients.Journal of Palliative Medicinee 2021 Sep;24(9):1272-1273高木茂,黒木あかね,城田幹生
70(4), 8-12
“超”実践!ディベロプメンタルケア 基本から痛みのケアまで根拠も分かる 各論1 視覚のケア赤ちゃんを守る医療者の専門誌with NEO
“超”実践!ディベロプメンタルケア 基本から痛みのケアまで根拠も分かる 各論2 シナクティブ理論とNIDCAP赤ちゃんを守る医療者の専門誌with NEO
“超”実践!ディベロプメンタルケア 基本から痛みのケアまで根拠も分かる 各論3 臭覚のケア赤ちゃんを守る医療者の専門誌with NEO
ICUにおける予後情報を用いた意思決定の方法:Shared decision makingとは?Intensivist(メディカルサイエンスインターナショナル)14(1)4553牧野淳
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2024年7月1日 最終更新