Rehabilitation Department – Psychiatric Occupational Therapy Section

Our Services

find new activities of interest and develop social and interpersonal skills through occupational activities. In order to meet patients’ broad needs, we offer various activities in different styles, such as:

  • Category-based group activities (e.g. pottery, computing, calligraphy, crafts)
  • Small group-based activities (e.g. cooking, karaoke, crafts)
  • Social skill training based on cognitive-behavioral therapy
We can help you if you want the following:
  • to recover the daily rhythm
  • to enrich your life by broadening your interests
  • to start new activities such as knitting, calligraphy or computing
  • to develop social and interpersonal skills through activities
  • to refresh your mind and body through activities

How to Attend

If you are our Inpatients, ask your ward doctor for prescription of Psychiatric Occupational Therapy.
If you are new to our Hospital, visit our Clinic and ask the doctor.
If you are our outpatient, attend our Day Care.

We are available from 9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. from Monday through Friday