For Outpatient

The Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital is an inpatient-only hospital that does not offer outpatient care. Outpatient care is provided at the Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Center or Tokyo Metropolitan Children's Medical Center.

Flow from outpatient visit to admission

Doctors of Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital provide outpatient service at Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Center or Children's Medical Center.

If you would like to see a doctor of this hospital, please make an appointment by phone at the outpatient reservation center and tell the operator that you would like to see a doctor of Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital.

STEP1 Appointment by telephone

Please make an appointment at the outpatient reservation center.
Please tell us you want to see a doctor of the Neurological Hospital.

  • Outpatient Reservation Center of Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Center
    *Please call before 15:00 if you wish the next day appointment
  • Outpatient Reservation Center of Tokyo Metropolitan Children's Medical Center

At Tokyo Metropolitan Hospitals, patients are basically seen by referral, with the exception of emergency cares.
If you are first to our hospital, please bring with a referral prepared by you your current medical institution.
Without a referral, you will be charged an initial consultation fee without a referral.

STEP2 Go to the outpatient clinic

Doctors of Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital provide outpatient care at Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical center or Children's Medical Center.

Please come to Tama or Children's Medical Center to be seen by the doctor for outpatient care.

STEP3 Admission

You will be admitted when the doctor of this hospital determins at your outpatient visit that you need hospitalization.

For Inpatient

Last updated:March 29, 2016