


  • 高感作レシピエントにおける移植前抗HLA抗体除去療法の必要性に関しての研究。
    腎移植・血管外科 17(1):10-19,2005


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  12. 白川浩希.高感作レシピエントにおける移植前抗HLA抗体除去療法の必要性についての研究.腎移植・血管外科 17(1):10-19,2005.
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  15. 古澤美由紀、石田英樹、石塚敏、白川浩希、安尾美年子、山口裕、東間紘. 抗HLA抗体の変化と慢性移植腎症発症についての検討.移植.41(4):356-361,2006.
  16. 白川浩希、石田英樹.内視鏡検査における消化管前処置法(特集 維持透析患者の消化管疾患).臨床透析.22(8):1117-1121,2006.
  17. 木村利美、佐川賢一、田邉一成、石田英樹、尾本和也、清水朋一、白川浩希、西田隼人. 移植免疫抑制剤のPK解析の進め方.今日の移植.20(6):656-661,2007.
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  43. Tanabe K, Miyamoto N, Tokumoto T, Yamamoto H, Ishida H, Kondo T, Okuda H, Shimmura H, Shirakawa H, Shimizu T, Isikawa N, Toma H. Retroperitoneoscopic live donor nephrectomy: Extended experience in a single center.Transplant Proc. 36:1917-1919,2004.
  44. Shimmura H,Tanabe K,Tokumoto T, Ishida H, Miyamoto N. Shimizu T, Shirakawa H, Setogucih K, Teraoka S, Toma H. Analysis of cause of death with a functioning graft: A single-center experience.Transplant Proc.36(7):2026-2029,2004.
  45. Shimmura H,Tanabe K,Tokumoto T, Ishida H, Ishikaw N, Miyamoto N. Shimizu T, Shirakawa H, Setogucih K, Teraoka S, Toma H. Impact of HLA-identity on results of ABO-incompatible living kidney transplantation.Transplant Proc.36:2172-2174,2004.
  46. Shimmura H,Tanabe K,Tokumoto T, Ishida H, Ishikaw N, Miyamoto N. Shimizu T, Shirakawa H, Setogucih K, Teraoka S, Toma H. Impact of positive PRA on the results of ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation.Transplant Proc.36:2169-2171,2004.
  47. Tanabe K, Miyamoto N, Ishida H, Tokumoto T, Shirakawa H, Ymamoto H, Tokumoto T, Okuda H, Shimmura H, Ishikawa N, Nozaki T, Toma H. Retroperitoneoscopic live donor nephrectomy (RPLDN) : Establishment and initial experience of RPLDN at a single center.Am J Transplant. 5:739-745,2005.
  48. Shimmura H, Tanabe K, Ishida H, Tokumoto T, Ishikawa N, Miyamoto N, Shirakawa H, Setoguchi K, Nakajima I, Fuchinoue S, Teraoka S, Toma H. Lack of correlataion between results of ABO-incompatible living kidney transplantation and anti-ABO blood type antibody titers under our current immunosuppression.Transplantation.80(7):985-988,2005.
  49. Ishida H, Tanabe K, Ishizuka T, Furusawa M, Miyamoto N, Ishikawa N, Shirakawa H, Shimmura H, Ishii D, Nozaki D, Setoguchi K, Toma H. The mechanism responsible or accommodation after livingrelated kidney transplantations across the blood barrier.Trasnplant Int.18(6):716-720,2005
  50. Ishida H, Tanabe K, Furusawa M, Ishizuka T. Hayashi T, Tokumoto T, Miyamoto N, Shirakawa H, Shimmura H, Shimizu T, Toma H. Evaluation of flow cytometric panel reactive antibody in renal transplant recipients-examination of 238 cases of renal transplantation-.Trasnplant Int.18(2):163-168,2005.
  51. Ishida H, Tanabe K, Ishiduka T, FUrusawa M, Miyamoto N, Ishikawa N, ShirakawaH, Shimmura H, Ishii S, Nozaki T, Toma H. Differences in humoral immunity between a nonrejection group and a rejection group after ABO-incompatible renal transplantation.Transplantation.81(5):665-671,2006.
  52. Tanabe K, Ishida H, Omoto K, Shimizu T, Shirakawa H. Antibody-mediated rejection: A single center experoence at Tokyo Women's Medical University.Clinical Transplants 2006:363-369,2007.
  53. Ishida H, Miyamoto N, Shirakawa H, Shimizu T, Tokumoto T, Ishikawa N, Shimmura H, Setogushi K, Toki D, Iida S, Teraoka S, Takahashi K, Toma H, Yamaguchi Y, Tanabe K. Evaluation of immunosuppressive regimens in ABO-incompatible living kidney transplantation?Single center analysis.Am J Transplant.7(4):825-831,2007.
  54. Ishibashi K, Tokumoto T, Tanabe K, Shirakawa H, Hashimoto K, KUshida N, Yanagida T, Inoue N, Yamaguchi O, Toma H, Suzutani T. Association of outcome of renal transplantation with antibody response to cytomegalovirus strain-specific glycoprotein H epitopes.CID.45(1):60-67,2007.
  55. Setoguchi K, Ishida H, Shimmura H, Shimizu T, Shirakawa H, Omoto K, Toki D, Iida S, Setoguchi S, Tokumoto T, Horita S, Nakayama H, Yamaguchi Y, Tanabe K. Analysis of renal transplant protocol biopsies in ABO-Incompatible kidney transplantation.Am J Transplant.8(1):86-94,2008.
  56. Miyamoto N, Ishida H, Furuswa M, Shimizu T, Shirakawa H, Omoto K, Tanabe K, Toma H. Immunological status in three patients, thirty years after living related renal transplantation: antibody production in long-term survivors.TransplantImmunol 18(4):368-372,2008.
  57. Ishibashi K, Tokumoto T, Shirakwa H, Hashimoto K, Kushida N, Yanagida T, Shishido K, Aikawa K, Yamaguchi O, Toma H, Tanabe K, Suzutani T. Strain-specific seroepidemiology and reinfection of cytomegalovirus.Microbes and Infection.10(12.13):1363-1369,2008.
  58. Ishida H, Omoto K, Shimizu T, Shirakawa H, Nishida H, Li Xiaobei, Yamagucih Y, Tanabe K. Usefulness of splenectomy for chronic active antibody-mediated rejection after renal transplantation.Transplant Int.21(6):602-604,2008.
  59. Shimizu T, Ishida H, Shirakwa H, Omoto K, Tanabe K, Yamaguchi Y. Clinical and Histological Analysis of Chronic Tacrolimus Nephrotoxicity in Renal Allografts.Transplant Proc.40(7):2370-2372,2008.
  60. Shirakawa H, Ishida H, Shimizu T, Omoto K, Iida S, Toki D, Tanabe K. The low dose of rituximab in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation without a splenectomy: a single-center experience. Clin Transplant. Nov-Dec;25(6):878-84. 2011.
  61. Toki D, Ishida H, Setoguchi K, Shimizu T, Omoto K, Shirakawa H, Iida S, Horita S, Furusawa M, Ishizuka J, Yamaguchi Y, Tanabe K. Acute antibody-mediated rejection in living ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation:Long-term impact and risk factors.Am J Transplant.9(3):567-577,2009.
  62. Ishibashi K, Tokumoto T, Shirakawa H, Hashimoto K, Kushida T, Shishido K, Aikawa K, Yamaguchi O, Toma H, Tanabe K, Suzutani T. Association between antibody response against cytomegalovirus strain-specific glycoprotein H epitopes and HLA-DR. Microbiol Immunol.53:412-416,2009.
  63. Toki D, Horita S, Tokumoto T, Shimizu T, Iizuka J, Tsunoyama K, Masumoto K, Shirakawa H, Setoguchi K, Iida S, Tanabe K, Yamaguchi Y. Persistent subclinical rejection associated with nodular B-cell infiltrates in a renal Transplant recipient.Clin Transplant.22(S19):53-57,2008.
  64. Tanabe K, Ishida H, Shimizu T, Omoto K, Shirakawa H, Tokumoto T. Evaluation of two different preconditioning regimens for ABO-incompatible living kidney donor transplantation.Humoral Immunity in Kidney Transplantation What clinicians need to know 162:61-74,2008.
  65. Tanabe K, Ishida H, Inui M, Okumi M, Shirakawa H, Shimizu T, Omoto K, Kondo T. ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation: long-term outcomes. Clin Transpl. 2013:307-12.
  66. Shimizu T, Tanabe T, Shirakawa H, Omoto K, Ishida H, Tanabe K. Clinical and pathological analysis of transplant glomerulopathy cases. Clin Transplant. Jul;26 Suppl 24:37-42, 2012.
  67. Shimizu T, Tanabe T, Shirakawa H, Omoto K, Ishida H, Tanabe K. Acute vascular rejection after renal transplantation and isolated v-lesion. Clin Transplant. Jul;26 Suppl 24:2-8. 2012.
  68. Hasegawa J, Shirakawa H, Imaizumi Y, Ogawa H, Yoshikawa K, Kono M, Saito T, Ishiwatari A, Sano N, Kawanishi T, Shimizu A, Ogawa T, Abe Y, Endo M, Omoto K, Tanabe K, Wakai S. Preemptive Living Donor Kidney Transplantation and Kidney Function at the Initial Hospital Visit: A Single-Center Case-Control Study. Transplant Proc. Apr;48(3):827-30, 2016.
  69. Tsujimura K, Shirakawa H, Shibahara R. Donor With Membranous Nephropathy in Preemptive, Living-Related Kidney Transplantation. Ther Apher Dial. Dec;20(6):689-690. 2016.
  70. Tsujimura K, Shirakawa H, Tokumoto T, Endou M, Wakai S, Ishida H, Tanabe K., Utility of the Japanese Glomerular Filtration Rate Equation in Estimating Glomerular Filtration Rate of Donor Kidney. Transplant Proc. Apr;48(3):734-7. 2016.
  71. Okumi M, Unagami K, Furusawa M, Kakuta Y, IIzuka J, Takagi T, Shirakawa H, Shimizu T, Omoto K, Inui M, Ishida H, Tanabe K. Once-daily vs twice-daily tacrolimus for de novo living kidney transplantation patients including ABO/HLA compatible and incompatible: A randomized trial. Clin Transplant. Dec;32(12):e13423. 2018.
  72. Hasegawa J, Honda K, Omoto K, Wakai S, Shirakawa H, Okumi M, Ishida H, Fuchinoue S, Hattori M, Tanabe K. Clinical and Pathological Features of Plasma Cell-Rich Acute Rejection After Kidney Transplantation. Transplantation. May;102(5):853-859. 2018.


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  7. 米田達明、八木宏、和田幸弘、白川浩希、滋野和志、椎名浩昭、井川幹夫. MRIが診断に有用であった急性限局性細菌性腎炎の1例. 泌尿器外科 11(8): 1007-1009,1998.
  8. 吉野干城、足立浩幸、白川浩希、滋野和志、椎名浩昭、井川幹夫:脚基部に使用したゴアテックス® を核とするコックパウチ内結石の1例. 西日本泌尿器科 64(8): 538-540、2002.
  9. 瀬戸口誠、田邉一成、石田英樹、石川暢夫、宮本直志、白川浩希、新村浩明、土岐大介、近藤恒徳、橋本恭伸、合谷信行、東間紘.当科にてミコフェノール酸モフェチルからミゾリビンに変更した3症例.今日の移植.18(5):555-558,2005.
  10. 清水朋一、白川浩希、尾本和也、石田英樹、田邉一成、東間紘. 腎移植後ミコフェノール酸モフェチルの中断により蛋白尿が出現し再開後軽減、消失した1例.Renal Transplantation.8(1):14-15,2007.
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  12. 白川浩希、石田英樹、尾本和也、清水朋一、田邉一成、免疫抑制剤の減量により改善しえたBKウイルス感染症の一例 Renal Transplantation.10(1):14-15,2009.
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  15. Shimizu T, Ishida H, Shirakawa H, Omoto K, Tanabe K, Yamaguchi Y. A case of plasma cell-rich acute rejection 18 months after kidney transplantation successfully treated with steroid pulse therapy.Clin Transplant.22(S19):58-61,2008.
  16. Shirakawa H, Ishida H, Hashimoto Y, Omoto K, Shimizu T, Setoguchi K, Iida S, Toki D, Tanabe K. Continent Orthotopic Ileal Neobladder After Kidney Transplantation in a Patient With Urothelial Cell Carcinoma Associated With Chinese Herb Nephropathy.Transplantation Proc.40(5):1741-1743,2008.
  17. Tanabe T, Shimizu T, Sai K, Miyauchi Y, Shirakawa H, Ishida H, Honda K, Koike J, Yamaguchi Y, Tanabe K. BK polyomavirus nephropathy complicated with acute T-cell-mediated rejection in a kidney transplant recipient: a case report. Clin Transplant. Jul;25 Suppl 23:39-43. 2011.
  18. Kono M, Hasegawa J, Ogawa T, Endo M, Wakai S, Shirakawa H, Honda K. Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy in a Living Kidney Donor Diagnosed and Treated After Transplantation: A Case Report. Transplant Proc. Apr;48(3):940-2. 2016.
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  20. Kono M, Kojima K, Wakai S, Shirakawa H. A Case of a Pneumocystis Pneumonia Twenty-four Years After Living Kidney Transplantation Due to Withdrawal of Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim Prophylaxis. Transplant Direct. May 22;4(6):e359. 2018.
  21. Kono M, Hasegawa J, Ogawa H, Yoshikawa K, Ishiwatari A, Wakai S, Tanabe K, Shirakawa H. False Elevation of the Blood Tacrolimus Concentration, as Assessed by an Affinity Column-mediated Immunoassay (ACMIA), Led to Acute T Cell-Mediated Rejection after Kidney Transplantation: A Case Report. Internal medicine. May 1;57(9):1265-1268. 2018.


  1. 田邉一成、宮本直志、徳本直彦、石田英樹、白川浩希、東間紘.後腹膜鏡下ドナー腎摘出術(生体腎移植における鏡視下ドナー腎摘除術).Jpn J Endoural ESWL.17:52-57,2004.
  2. 田邉一成、宮本直志、徳本直彦、石田英樹、白川浩希、石川暢夫、南里正之、新村浩明、瀬戸口誠、東間紘.後腹膜鏡下ドナー腎摘除術.腎移植・血管外科.16(2):135-140,2004.
  3. 田邉一成、宮本直志、徳本直彦、石田英樹、白川浩希、石川暢夫、南里正之、新村浩明、瀬戸口誠、東間紘.後腹膜鏡下ドナー腎摘除術.腎移植・血管外科.16(2):135-140,2005.
  4. 田邉一成、宮本直志、徳本直彦、石田英樹、白川浩希、新村浩明、瀬戸口誠、土岐大介、東間紘.体腔鏡下ドナー腎摘除術を安全に行うために(泌尿器科体腔鏡下手術を安全に行うために).臨泌.59(9):657-662,2005.
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  7. 白川浩希、田邉一成 BKウイルス腎症と移植腎障害 別冊日本臨床 新領域別症候群シリーズ No.18:602-605, 2012.
  8. 白川浩希、田邉一成、抗血小板薬服用患者の献腎移植:腎臓内科・泌尿器科. 517-522, 3巻5号, 2016.
  9. 白川浩希、尿路結石検査と技術.vol45.No.7, p714-719,2017.
  10. 若井幸子・白川浩希、『原疾患、再発性腎炎とde novo腎炎』 2) IgA腎症、腎と透析, Vol.83 No 2, 172-174,2017.


  1. Shirakawa H, Tanabe K, Ishida H, Tokumoto T, Yamaguchi Y, Shinmura H, Yamamoto H, Toma H.THE LOW CONCENTRATION OF TACROLIMUS IS NOT CORRELATED WITH THE INCIDENCE OF ACUTE REJECTION DURING EARLY POSTTRANSPLANT PERIOD. American transplant congress. Washington,D.C. 2003.5
  2. Shirakawa H, Tanabe K, Ishida H, Tokumoto T, Yamaguchi Y, Shinmura H, Yamamoto H, Toma H.THE LOW CONCENTRATION OF TACROLIMUS IS NOT CORRELATED WITH THE INCIDENCE OF ACUTE REJECTION DURING EARLY POSTTRANSPLANT PERIOD. Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation. Kuala Lumpur, 2003.9.
  3. Miyamoto N, Tanabe K, K, Ishida H, Tokumoto T, Ishikawa N, Shinmura H, Shirakawa H, Setoguchi K, Toma H.High incidence of humoral and vascular rejection(AHVR) and chronic rejection in living renal transplant recipients with positive panel reactive antibody(PRA) American transplant congress. Seattle. 2005.5.
  4. Shirakawa H, Ishida H, Miyamoto N, Setoguchi K, Toki D, Toma H, Tanabe K.Plasmapheresis and anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody allow ABO-incompatible renal transplantation without splenectomy.World Transplant Congress, Boston. 2006.7.
  5. Shirakawa H, Ishida H, Setoguchi K, Toki D, Tanabe K.Successful ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation without splenectomy, using rituximab. American transplant congress, San Francisco, 2007.5.
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  9. Shirakawa H, Ishida H, Setoguchi K, Toki D, Tanabe K.Surgical complications of pediatric kidney transplantation: a single center experience. American transplant congress, Boston. 2009.6.
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  11. Shirakawa H, Ishida H, Omoto K, Shimizu T, Miyauchi Y, Tanabe K. The low dose rituximab preconditioning in ABO-incompatible kidney transplanatation : A 3-year follow-up. American transplant congress, San Diego. 2010.5.
  12. Shirakawa H, Ishida H, Omoto K, Shimizu T, Iida S, Toki D, Tanabe K. Rituximab therapy reduces peripheral B cells for a long time in ABO incompatible kidney transplantation; a single center experience. American transplant congress, Philadelphia. 2011.4.
  13. Shirakawa H, Kennoki T, Wakai S, Nozaki T, Tokumoto T, Tanabe K. The necessity of low dose rituximab induction therapy in kidney transplantation : Single center experience. European Society for Organ Transplantation, Viena. 2013.9.
  14. Shirakawa H, Nozaki T, Ishida H, Matsui H, Makino Y, Tanabe K. Risk factors of preterm delivery at less than 35 weeks in patients with kidney transplantation. World Transplant Congress, San Francisco. 2014.7.
  15. Shirakawa H, Tsujimura K, Hasegawa J, Wakai S, Tanabe K. Antibody-mediated rejection in kidney transplantation; single center experience. European Society for Organ Transplantation, Brussels. 2015.9.
  16. Shirakawa H, Hasegawa J, Ishigouoka H, Kono M, Ogawa H, Ishiwatari A, Wakai S, Tanabe K. Medium-term outcomes of ABO-incompatible living kidney transplantation: Single center experience. European Society for Organ Transplantation, Barcelona. 2017.9.
  17. Shirakawa H, Hasegawa J, Ishigouoka H, Kono M, Ogawa H, Ishiwatari A, Wakai S, Tanabe K. Surgical Complications of Living Kidney Transplantation: A single center experience.European Society for Organ Transplantation, Barcelona. 2017.9.
  1. 白川浩希、長谷川純平、剣木崇文、石渡亜由美、河野桃子、小川ひな、遠藤真理子、若井幸子. スタチン(HMG-CoA還元酵素阻害薬)による横紋筋融解症から移植腎喪失となった1例. 日本臨床腎移植学会、神戸.2018.2.
  2. 白川浩希、剣木崇文、長谷川純平、石渡亜由美、河野桃子、小川ひな、遠藤真理子、若井幸子. 当院における生体腎移植の尿路系合併症の検討
    第106回日本泌尿器科学会総会、京都. 2018.4
  1. 白川浩希
  2. 白川浩希
  3. 白川浩希、石田英樹、尾本和也、清水朋一、飯田祥一、土岐大介、田邉一成
  4. 白川浩希、若井幸子、小川正樹、田邉一成