糖尿病内科 - 専門分野






当科での糖尿病診療の中心となる入院診療は、病状の精査とその評価による治療方針の決定と並んで、自己管理法、中でも重要な食事療法などを体験的に学習していただくことがポイントとなり教育入院と呼ばれています。病診連携の上に立って、初回診断時の介入・外来でのコントロール不良・合併症の進行などの各段階での教育入院を受け入れています。入院中は、合併症の評価や、併発症のチェックに引き続いて、当科独自の教本「糖尿病と言われた日から」をお配りして参考にしていただきながら、食事療法・運動療法・経口糖尿病薬導入・インスリン導入(在宅自己注射)・自己血糖測定などの指導と実践をするほか、低血糖 対策・シックデイルールなどの自己管理知識の獲得を目指します。この目的のため、受持医や担当スタッフによる個別指導のほかに、糖尿病教室を連日開催して、スタッフが交代でテーマ別に集団指導にあたっています。







English Version

Diabetes Mellitus

Nowadays, diabetes patients explosively increased in this country mainly because of the changes in our life style. Estimated number of Japanese citizens suffered from diabetes is 7,400,000, and more importantly, two thirds of them are out of treatment. Severe, and sometimes life-threatening complications will occur in these uncontrolled diabetes patients in the near future even though no particular symptoms are noticed now. Loss of eyesight, blood dialysis, loss of a leg, hemiplegia due to a stroke, and a sudden death of a heart attack are all possible consequences in them. Primary prevention by controlling their blood glucose level is a key to resolve this issue. Those diagnosed as having diabetes for the first time should be referred to a specialist immediately.
In order to control diabetes, improvement of the life style should be prior to taking medicines or insulin injection. We offer a two-week inpatient educational program for diabetes patients. The special medical team of physicians, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, and medical technologists teach the diabetes patients what to know about diabetes, what to eat, how to exercise, what medicine to take, how to inject insulin, and how to check the blood glucose level. After the course, general physicians will be introduced to the patients for the continuous management of the diabetes in most cases. Some special cases like those with type 1 diabetes, however, will be asked to visit our outpatient clinic regularly after the discharge.
In diabetes patients with advanced complications, secondary intervention by controlling their blood glucose is also worthwhile and the similar educational program is offered. Other treatments for each complication are needed in most of them. Physicians with various specialties in ophthalmology, nephrology, neurology, cardiology, dermatology, orthopedics, plastic surgery, and neurosurgery can be introduced to see them in this hospital.

If you need our help and/or want to make an appointment for our outpatient clinic in English, please contact us directly by the following means.

Tel 03-3823-2101
E-mail : km_komahp@tmhp.jp