
Our Services

Neurosurgery is part of our general departments at Matsuzawa Hospital and deals with neurosurgical complications of our outpatients and inpatients. We also provide care for general neurosurgical problems of people in the local community. For example, we treat cerebrovascular diseases (e.g. cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage), head injury, chronic subdural hematoma, headache and hydrocephalus. We also specialize in diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, sequelae of cerebrovascular diseases, spasticity, involuntary movement diseases such as tremor, spasmodic torticollis, chorea and myoclonus(we offer botulinum toxin (Botox)) and spinal/peripheral nerve diseases.
Our Department is equipped with CT, MRI/MRA, SPECT, carotid duplex ultrasound, nerve conduction test and electromyogram. Comprehensive care is possible in cooperation with our Neurology, Internal Medicine, Radiology, and Rehabilitation Departments. We also work closely with other neurosurgery institutions in order to refer patients in need of special or advanced care or who request a second opinion.

Our Clinic

Our Neurosurgery Department has the board-certified neurosurgeons.
Please feel free to contact us for consultation. Please note that the department closes occasionally for academic conferences and emergency surgeries.